
Friday, September 4, 2020

Running a tight ship

So my wife has recently become more demanding and strict.  My daily chore list seems to grow longer by the day.  Today's list included laundry, washing dishes, making beds, vacuuming, and cooking meals.  

Every finished task was followed by an inspection.  If it failed to meet her expectation, then I was punished.  Spankings and corner time were her favorites today.

Don't get me wrong, I'm happy to do housework.  However, the lengthy list and detailed reviews are out-of-the-ordinary around here.  

I asked about the changes, and her response is that I've gotten sloppy lately.  She wants me to pay closer attention to details.  She thinks I'll have more pride at the end of the day for a job well done.

Besides, she says idle hands are the devil's workshop.  With more time at home lately, she wants to make sure I'm not getting lazy, or worse, into trouble.  

To that end, she bought a smaller chastity cage for me.  She said mine was starting to seem "roomy".  After I thanked her for the gift, we struggled to get me into it.  I'm smaller than average, but it still gave us a good fight.  A cold shower seemed to help in the end.  It feels cramped now, but am confident I'll adjust to it over time.

Lastly, she's declared that until further notice I am to remain chaste.  No sexual contact with any other person.  The use of toys is also forbidden.  I'm to go directly to her and be truthful about any infractions, which will be dealt with in a tough but fair manner.

These will be trying times, but I know her decisions are coming from the heart.

submissive sissy crossdresser in chastity


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